70 research outputs found

    Methodology : from speaking about writing to tracking text production

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    Doing writing research from an applied linguistics perspective means investigating individual, collaborative, and organizational writing and text production as language-based activities in complex and dynamic real-life contexts. In doing so, micro and macro levels, product and process perspectives, as well as theoretical and practical questions are combined in transdisciplinary approaches. Appropriate methods have to be deliberately chosen and transparently explained across disciplinary boundaries. Methodological questions need to be clarified, such as: which method fits which problem – and how should and can various methods complement each other? In this chapter, we start from two methodologically complementary ways of doing research into real-life writing processes (Part 1). These approaches illustrate why collecting data represents a key problem in the history of writing research (2). We then outline a typology of state-of-the-art methods in writing research (3) and explain chal- lenges of combining perspectives and methods in research projects (4). This allows us to evaluate what sophisticated methodology in writing research can contribute to applied linguistics (5) and to conclude by sketching a related research roadmap (6). In the reference section, we focus on work combining approaches from writing research and applied linguistics in methodologically innovative ways (7)

    Alguns pontos sobre a história da crítica genética

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    O que é a "crítica genética", assim batizada em 1979 pelo crítico Louis Hay? O que se faz, quando se faz crítica genética? O artigo procura definir um novo campo interdisciplinar que tem produzido perplexidade entre teóricos e críticos literårios. Os momentos principais (positivos ou negavitos) da recepção da crítica genética são postos em relevo.What is the "genetic criticism", that was called by the critic Louis Hay in 1979?What do we do when we deal with the genetic criticism? This article defines a new interdisciplinary field, which has caused perplexity amongst the literary theorists and critics. The most importam moments (positive and negative) of the reception of the genetic criticism are stressed

    Stages of theatrical genesis

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    How can we conceive of applying genetic criticism to a theatrical work, since drama is characterised by its inherent mutability and necessary incompletion? How can we analyse the genesis of a play which only becomes real on the evening of its performance? How can we defi ne the genesis documents when we know they are unstable, heterogeneous and ephemeral by defi nition? A requisite condition: the persons involved in stage direction as well as theatrical archives should be encouraged to preserve the fragile traces of the birth of a performance (logbooks, administration notebooks, rehearsal records, sketches for the sets, and so on). This study outlines a framework wherein the complex, dynamic relationship between the construction of a text and that of its performance can be exploited

    Antoine Culioli – « Toute thĂ©orie doit ĂȘtre modeste et inquiĂšte »

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    Antoine Culioli est une figure majeure de la linguistique contemporaine. Depuis plus de quarante ans, il dĂ©veloppe une thĂ©orie connue sous le nom de « ThĂ©orie des opĂ©rations Ă©nonciatives ». Son objet est l’étude de l’activitĂ© de langage apprĂ©hendĂ©e Ă  travers la diversitĂ© des langues, des textes et des situations. Ses travaux ouvrent des perspectives sur d’autres champs de recherche et intĂ©ressent plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement l’ensemble des sciences humaines. C’est dans cet esprit qu’il a bien voulu nous..

    Langage de l'ébauche : parole intérieure extériorisée

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    This paper sets out the linguistically relevant features of a particular kind of writing, the outline, or Ă©bauche as Zola calls it, which is not yet a text but which is supposed to prepare for it: this function implies many self-injunctions, evaluations, interrogations. The example that is being analysed, the outline of Zola's BĂȘte humaine, suggests several explanatory hypotheses: an "externalised inner speech", an interlocution between a writing-I and a reading-I, and a speech act through which the "I" generates a program for a world about to be created through writing. The so-called "performative" hypothesis subsumes these three approaches. According to it, the outline is a performative act, giving a tangible form to an inner discourse, involving two agencies (the writer and the reader) mirroring the splitting of the subject. At the end of the paper, this analysis of the outline is extended to cover every kind of avant-texte.GrĂ©sillon Almuth. Langage de l'Ă©bauche : parole intĂ©rieure extĂ©riorisĂ©e. In: Langages, 36ᔉ annĂ©e, n°147, 2002. Processus d'Ă©criture et marques linguistiques, sous la direction de IrĂšne Fenoglio et Sabine Boucheron-PĂ©tillon. pp. 19-38

    Mi-fugue mi-raison. DĂ©valiser des mots-valises

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    Grésillon Almuth. Mi-fugue mi-raison. Dévaliser des mots-valises. In: Documentation et recherche en linguistique allemande contemporain - Vincennes, n°29, 1983. Communiversation. pp. 83-107

    Annexe II. Transcription diplomatique

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    Grésillon Almuth. Annexe II. Transcription diplomatique. In: Documentation et recherche en linguistique allemande contemporain - Vincennes, n°14, 1976. Les brouillons allemands de la préface à LutÚce de Heinrich Heine - analyse linguistique des variantes (deuxiÚme partie) pp. 1-64
